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DirtDraft App

Play Over 500 Contests

from National Touring Series and Special Events Each Year!

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Banner Ads

Join the growing list of Dirt Draft partners who have placed their 1200x100 banner ads near the top of every page. With millions of page users from dedicated race fans your brand will be in front of eyeball who are truly your target audience.

Sponsored Social Contests

Dirt Draft offers sponsored contests where your brand is associated with the contest. Companies will be able to display a 15-second video that each entered user will view before drafting their team as well as a dedicated banner ad on the contest page and included in the monthly newsletter. Companies have the option to offer prizes for the top X users in the contest.

SpeedShop Product

Interested in getting samples of your product out to a brand loyal and passionate fan base? Utilize the Speed Shop to display and allow users to redeem for your sample products. Companies who use this method have seen Dirt Draft users become return customers directly with the company.

Ask Us Some Questions

We'd love to partner with you on Dirt Draft. We're also very open to other unique advertising ideas to help you reach your audience at a cost effective rate.

What Our Fans Say

I wish I could give it 10 stars! If you’re a fan of dirt racing this is a must download! I have so much fun competing against the world and against my friend. Now that Private Contests are active, I...
Jamie Christie
I'm a data guy and i LOVE that I can see the contest data in terms of driver ownership %, driver rank plus/minus, driver results history, season most popular and the ability to see strategies that...
Doug Behm
Awesome what Dirt Draft is doing! Finally something on the side of Dirt Track Racing and a fantasy aspect. You can play private matches with some buddies or against hundreds of people you may not...
Blade Kearns

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